时间:2020-10-30 07:57来源:蓝天飞行翻译公司 作者:公务机翻译 点击:次
北京蓝天飞行翻译公司完成大型公务机公司的达索猎鹰7X飞机飞行手册(AFM)翻译任务 DASSAULT AVIATION Falcon 7X AFM Airplane Flight Manual Translation
北京蓝天飞行翻译公司本次翻译的达索猎鹰7X公务机飞机飞行手册(Airplane Flight Manual)为第24版,版本日期为2020年1月10日。
达索猎鹰7X飞机飞行手册 Falcon 7X Airplane Flight Manual F7X - AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL INTRODUCTION EASA Approval FAA Approval(US registered A/C) ARGENTINEAN approval(Argentinean registered A/C) BRAZILIAN approval(Brazilian registered A/C) List of sections Table of contents GENERAL INFORMATION Organization of the manual Definition of note, caution and warning Definition of symbols Definition of Land ASAP and Land ANSA LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS LIST OF REVISIONS EFFECTIVE SUB-SUB-SECTIONS Preamble to the list of effective sub-sub-sections List of effective sub-sub-sections SERVICE BULLETINS AND OPTIONS Summary of the service bulletins, options and modifications quoted in the Manual (for information) - LIMITATIONS GENERAL Table of contents WEIGHTS AND LOADING Weights Center of gravity limits Loading AIRSPEED, MACH AND LOAD FACTORS Operation limitations(A/C with M1053 or (M1171 and M1137) or SB 7X-198) Operation limitations(IAC/AR certified (A/C with M1053 or (M1171 and M1137) or SB 7X-198) Operation limitations(A/C with M950 or SB 7X-091 and M1053 or (M1171 and M1137) or SB 7X-198) Operation limitations(IAC/AR certified A/C with M950 and with M1053 or (M1171 and M1137) or SB 7X-198) Airspeed and Mach Load factors SYSTEMS Instrument color markings Cabin accommodation PW307A engine Thrust reverser Fuel limitations Oil limitations Anti-ice and windshield protection Cabin pressurization and temperature Hydraulic Electrical Auxiliary power unit (APU) Tires and brakes Baggage compartment AVIONICS Automatic flight control system(A/C with M1122 or SB 7X-300) IRS TCAS EGPWS Video window RAAS A/C with M-OPT0572 Synthetic Vision System(A/C with M1122 or SB 7X-300 and M-OPT0638) ATC Data Link(A/C with M1122 or SB 7X-300 and (M-OPT0642 or M-OPT0652)) ATC Data Link(A/C with M1122 and M1970 and (M-OPT0642 or M-OPT0652 or M-OPT1084)) Baro-setting(A/C without (M1705 or SB 7X-322) or A/C without (M1970 or SB 7X-520)) KINDS OF OPERATION CREW AND PASSENGERS FLIGHT MANAGEMENT AND NAVIGATION SYSTEM Jeppesen charts(A/C with M-OPT0022) Jeppesen charts(A/C with M-OPT0022 and M-OPT0640) TOLD(A/C with (M1122 or SB 7X-300) and (M1401 or SB 7X-320) or A/C with (M1122 or SB 7X-300) and M1341) TOLD(A/C with M1705 or SB 7X-322) - EMERGENCY GENERAL Table of contents Introduction OPERATING TECHNIQUES Rejected Take Off Engine failure at or after V1, and go around one engine inoperative(A/C with M1122 or SB 7X-300) Direct Laws Back up Flight control jam Auto airbrakes fault Sidestick priority Loss of normal braking Crew respiratory protection Emergency descent Rapid depressurization Pull up Windshear recovery TCAS alert Stall Unwanted disconnection Trim malfunction Speed alert Unreliable airspeed EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Oxygen Bleed overheat Aft FCS overheat Doors Electrical failure Engines failure Fly by wire Fire Hydraulic overheat Pressurization Smoke Unreliable airspeed EMERGENCY SITUATIONS Smoke Forced landing Ditching Emergency evacuation |