kts Knots
kVA Kilovolt-ampere
kW Kilowatt
L Left
L L-Band.carrier.(1575.42.MHz)
L L-Band.carrier.(1227.6.MHz)
L Civil Satellite Frequency
LAAS Local.Area.Augmentation.System
Lab Laboratory
LADGPS Local.Area.Differential.GPS
LAN Local.Area.Network
LAPB Link.Access.Protocol-Balanced
LAT Latitude
L-Band A radio frequency band from 390 to 1,550 MHz
LBS Pounds
LCA Layered.Component.Architecture
LCC Leadless.Chip.Carrier
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LCF Link.Control.Field
LCI Logical Channel Identifier
LCM Logic.Control.Module
LCN Local.Communications.Network
LCoS Liquid Crystal on Silicon
LCP Lighting.Control.Panel
LCR Link.Connection.Refusal
LCSTB Low.Cost.Simulation.Test.bed
LCVSM Life.Cycle.Value.Stream.Management
LD Lower.Data
LDA Localizer.Directional.Aid
LDCC Leaded.Chip.Carrier
LDGPS Local.Area.Differential.Global.Positioning.Satellite
LDOC Long Distance Operational Control
LDS Lightning.Detection.System
LDU Lamp.Driver.Unit
LE Link.Establish
LED Light.Emitting.Diode
Leg The section of the flight between two waypoints.
LEO Low Earth Orbiting
LF Low Frequency. The frequency range from 30 to
LFDS Large.Format.Display.System
LFR Low Frequency Radio Range
LGA Low.Gain.Antenna
LHP Lightning.HIRF.Protection
LIB Left.Inboard
LIM Limit
LIMNATRAN Limited.North.Atlantic.Regional.Air.Navigation
LINCS Long-Haul.Interfacility.Communications.System
LISN Line.Impedance.Stabilization.Network
LLC Logical.Link.Control
LLMS Liquid Level Measurement System
LLP Left Lower Plug. Identifies the plug on the rear
L/M List.of.Materials
LME Link.Management.Entity
LMI Logical.Management.Interface
LMM Locator.Middle.Marker..An.NDB.that.is.co-located.
LMP Left Middle Plug. Identifies the plug on the rear
LMT Local.Mean.Time