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庞巴迪缩写词、缩略语、术语 Bombardier Abbreviations

时间:2011-02-08 02:55来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin 点击:

I/B Inboard
I/C Intercom, Inspection Check
I/O Input/Output
IAC Integrated Avionics
IAPS Integrated Avionics
Processor System
IAS Indicated Air Speed
ICAO International Civil Aviation
ICS Idle Corrected Speed,
Inter-Communication System
ID Identification
IDENT Identification
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
IGN Ignition

IGV Inlet Guide Vanes
ILS Instrument Landing System
IM ILS Inner Marker
IMBAL Imbalance
IMC Instrument Meteorological
IMP Imperial
IN Inch, Inches
IN Hg Inches of Mercury
INBD Inboard
INCR Increase
IND Indication, Indicator
INFLT In Flight
INOP Inoperative
INPH Interphone
INSP Inspection
INST(S) Instrument(s)
INST, INSTR Instrument
INT Internal, Integral, Intersection
INTEG Integral
IOP Input/Output Processor
IRS Inertial Reference System
IRU Inertial Reference Unit
ISA International Standard
ISO International Standard
ISOL Isolation, Isolated
ITT Inter Turbine Temperature
JAA Joint Airworthiness Authority
K, KT, KTS Knots
kg(s) Kilogram(s)
kHz KiloHertz
KIAS Knots Indicated Airspeed
kW(s) KiloWatt(s)
L Left, Landing
L/T Landing/Taxi
LAV Lavatory
LB(s) Pound(s)
LCN Load Classification Number
LCV Load Control Valve
LDG Landing
LDG GR Landing Gear
LDU Lamp Driver Unit
LE Leading Edge
LFE Landing Field Elevation
LG Landing Gear
LGDCIS Landing Gear and Door
Control Indicating System
LGECU Landing Gear Electronic
Control Unit
LGW Landing Gross Weight
LH Left Hand
LIM Limit
LK Leak
LN Left Nose
LNAV Lateral Navigation
LOC Localizer
LOGO Logo Graphic
LOM, MM Compass Locator at Outer
LOP Low Oil Pressure
LP Low Pressure

LPM Liter Per Minute
LPT Lo Pressure Turbine
LR Left Rear
LRC Long Range Cruise
LRN Long Range Navigation
LSB Lower Side Band
LTG(s) Light(s)
LW Left Wing
LWD Left Wing Down
LWR Lower
M Mach Number
m Meter
MAA Maximum Authorized IFR
MAC Mean Aerodynamic Chord
MADC Micro Air Data Computer
MAG Magnetic
MAINT Maintenance
MALF Malfunction
MAN Manual
MAP Ground Map (WXR)
MAX Maximum
MAZ MLS Azimuth
MB Millibars
MCA Minimum Crossing Altitude
MCL Maximum Climb
MCR Maximum Cruise
MCT Maximum Continuous Thrust
MDA Minimum Descent Altitude
MEA Minimum Enroute IFR
MECH Mechanic
MED Medium

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