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时间:2011-02-08 01:03来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin 点击:

OM 运行手册 (Operations Manual)
ME 维修工程管理手册 (Maintenance & Engineering Management Manual)
SM 安全手册 (Safety Manual)
AS 航空安全保卫手册 (Aviation Security Manual)
TO 航站运行手册 (Terminal Operations Manual)
EM 应急手册 (Emergency Response Manual)
OS 运行规范 (Operations Specifications)
FS 飞行技术管理手册 (Flight Technical Management Manual)
FT 飞行人员训练管理手册 (Flight Training Management Manual)
PT 飞行员手册 (Pilots Manual)
FA 客舱乘务员手册 (Flight Attendant Manual )
AFM 飞机飞行手册 (Airplane Flight Manual)
FO 飞机使用手册 (Flight Operations Manual)
FCT 机组训练手册 (Flight Crew Training Manual)
MEL 最低设备清单 (Minimum Equipment List)
QRH 快速检查单 (Quick Reference Handbook)
MS 维修方案 (Maintenance Schedule)
RP 可靠性方案 (Maintenance Reliability Plan)
OSM外站管理手册(Outside Station Management Manual)
FD 飞行签派手册 (Flight Dispatch Manual)
WB 载重与平衡手册 (Weight & Balance Manual)
AM 航线手册 (Airway Manual)
TA 机场起飞性能分析 (Airport Takeoff Performance Analysis)
AP 机场手册 (Airports Manual)
PM 性能手册 (Performance Manual)
PBS 旅客、行李运输手册 (Passenger Baggage Service Manual)
DC 国内货物运输手册 (Domestic Cargo Transport Manual)
IC 国际货物运输手册 (International Cargo Transport Manual)
DS 国内旅客销售手册 (Domestic Sales Manual)
IS 国际旅客销售手册 (International Sales Manual)
DG 危险品运输手册 (Dangerous Goods Transport Manual)
DA 危险品事故/事件应急反应指南 (Dangerous Goods Accident/Incident Emergency Response Guide)
R0 机坪保障手册Ramp Operation Manual

AD 地面飞机除冰/防冰大纲 (Aircraft Deicing/Anti-icing Program)
PTS 飞行员训练大纲 (Pilots Training Syllabus)
PTS 飞行员训练大纲 (Pilots Training Syllabus)
PTS CRJ机型飞行员训练大纲 (Pilots Training Syllabus Of CRJ)
PTS HAWKER机型飞行员训练大纲 (Pilots Training Syllabus Of HAWKER)
FDT 飞行签派员训练大纲 (Flight Dispatche Training Syllabus)
FAT 客舱乘务员训练大纲 (Flight Attendant Training Syllabus)
养成学员高性能补充训练大纲(Supplementary Training Syllabus for the Cadet Pilots)
MTP 维修系统培训大纲 (Maintenance Training Syllabus)
DGT 危险品训练大纲 (Dangerous Goods Training Syllabus)
MM 维修管理手册 (Maintenance Management Manual)
ASL航空卫生保障手册 (Aviation Sanitation Logistics Manual)
EO ETOPS运行手册 (ETOPS Operations Manual )

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn