时间:2017-10-17 14:23来源:蓝天飞行翻译公司 作者:民航翻译 点击:次
22-11-03-03 VERT SPEED
22-11-03-04 ALTITUDE
22-11-03-05 COURSE
22-11-03-06 Window Lighting
22-11-04 Mode Control Panel Selectors
22-11-04-01 Vertical Speed Thumbwheel (DN, UP)
22-11-04-02 Bank Angle Selector (10, 15, 20, 25, 30)
22-11-05 Mode Control Panel Switches
22-11-05-01 A/P ENGAGE Control Wheel Steering (CWS) Switches (A or B)
22-11-05-02 A/P ENGAGE Command (CMD) Switches (A or B)
22-11-05-02A One Inoperative
22-11-05-02B Both Inoperative
22-11-05-03 Autothrottle (A/T) ARM Switch
22-11-05-04 SPEED Switch
22-11-05-05 Flight Director (F/D) Switches
22-11-05-06 IAS/MACH Change Over (C/O) Switch
22-11-05-07 Approach (APP) Switch
22-11-05-08 N1, LNAV, VNAV, LVL CHG, V/S, HDG SEL, ALT HLD and VOR/LOC Switches
22-11-05-09 SPD INTV and ALT INTV Switches
22-11-05-10 Autopilot DISENGAGE Bar
22-11-06 Mode Control Panel Switch Lights
22-11-06-01 A/P ENGAGE Control Wheel Steering (CWS) Switch Lights
22-11-06-02 A/P ENGAGE Command (CMD) Switch Lights
22-11-06-02A One Inoperative
22-11-06-02B Both Inoperative
22-11-06-03 A/T ARM Switch Light
22-11-07 Automatic Landing System (Autoland)