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沙特民航法 Civil Aviation Law of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

时间:2014-12-20 10:12来源:蓝天飞行翻译公司 作者:民航翻译 点击:

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Article (122): Obligation to provide search and rescue assistance
1. The owner, operator or pilot-in-command of an aircraft shall conduct search and rescue operations required by the Authority whenever necessary, if the condition of the aircraft so allows.
2. No person or party may refuse to provide any rescue assistance, nor refuse to search if requested by the competent authorities or if the nature of their work enables them to provide such assistance.
Article (123): Granting access to prohibited areas
Competent authorities shall grant persons, machinery and equipment, including search and rescue aircraft and vessels access to any prohibited area if the aircraft is in in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter shall entitle said persons to recover expenses arising from said assistance operations as well as compensation for damage sustained during said operations or directly resulting therefrom.
2. Subject to the principle of reciprocity, provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article shall not apply to any assistance provided by the Kingdom’s agencies or authorities.
Article (128): Expenses and compensation maximum limit
Expenses and compensation referred to in Article (127) of this Law may not exceed the value of the relevant aircraft immediately prior to the accident.
Article (129): Operator’s obligation to pay compensation
The operator of the aircraft receiving assistance shall be obligated to pay search and rescue expenses as well as compensation and remunerations payable under this Law, even if the aircraft in question is the property of the party providing said assistance.
Article (130): Search and rescue remuneration
The Board of Directors shall set the rules regulating payment of remunerations for search and rescue of persons, aircraft and property.
Article (131): Search and rescue lawsuits
The Board of Grievances shall hear lawsuits arising from search and rescue operations pertaining to accidents taking place in the Kingdom, the high seas or any territory not under the sovereignty of any country in any of the following conditions:
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