

时间:2014-04-17 09:19来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

Typical PDU / MDU configuration
Typical flight plan insertion
Windows and associated tabs: Flight Management Window
Pre-flight Phase Of Flight (POF)
Departure POF
Cruise POF
Arrival POF
Post-flight POF
FMS approaches
Windows and associated tabs: CHARTS window
Airport selection
Chart type tabs
Special function
Windows and associated tabs: SENSORS window
Navigation tab
WX / LSS / TAWS tab
Windows and associated tabs: VIDEO window
Video window description
Video window operation
Windows and associated tabs: AVIONICS window
Tabs description
Windows and associated tabs: WayPoinT LIST (WPT LIST)
Windows and associated tabs: I-NAV description
I-NAV map
FMS message field
Windows and associated tabs: I-NAV Uplink WX
I-NAV uplink WX
I-NAV XM weather
Windows and associated tabs: I-NAV graphical flight planning
Lateral map display
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn