

时间:2014-04-17 09:19来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

CPDLC failure
Control and indiation
ATC DTLK window
Dialog messages
FANS 1/A pages description
ATC index page
ATC logon/status page
ATC log pages
ATC message pages
ATC report pages
ATC request pages
ADS review page
Answer to uplink pages
Verify pages
ATN B1 pages descriptions
ATC menu page
ATC center pages
ATC MSG verify page
CMF/ATS pages description
System menu page
ATS pages
CMF pages
Time/date page
Electrical power
Fire protection
Flight controls
Fuel system
Hydraulic system
Ice and rain protection
Indicating and recording system
Landing gear and braking system
Tables of contents
Navigation function
Flight management system (FMS)
Other equipment
Air data system (ADS)
Typical flight preparation and flight plan insertion
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn