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P.180 AVANTI II 比亚乔前进号II型公务机介绍

时间:2012-10-09 15:17来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:


P.180 AVANTI II 比亚乔前进号II型公务机

      P.180 AVANTI II 比亚乔前进号II型公务机总体特性:


a. Number of Engines                                                     2
b. Engine Manufacturer              Pratt & Whitney Canada
c. Engine Model Number                                    PT6A-66
d. Rated Horsepower                                                 850
e. Propeller Speed(rpm)
Takeoff and climb                                                    2000
Cruise                                                            1800/2000

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