

时间:2014-11-07 08:44来源:蓝天飞行翻译公司 作者:航空翻译 点击:

      北京蓝天飞行翻译公司承接大型通航公司的莱康明飞机发动机服务信函,服务通告及维护指南翻译任务 LYCOMING SERVICE LETTER Translation/LYCOMING SERVICE BULLETIN Translation/LYCOMING SERVICE INSTRUCTION Translation

      莱康明飞机发动机服务信函(LYCOMING SERVICE LETTER)主要包含有:

Reciprocating Engine and Accessory Maintenance Publications

Engine Preservation for Active and Stored Aircraft

Recommendations to Avoid Valve Sticking
Part Numbers Identified by Lycoming with -70 or -85 Suffix
      莱康明飞机发动机服务通告(LYCOMING SERVICE BULLETIN)主要包含有:

Fuel Line (Stainless Steel Tube Assy.) and Support Clamp Inspection and Installation

Carburetor Throttle Body Screw Inspection

Engine Inspection after Overspeed

Procedure to Determine Exhaust Valve and Guide Condition

Oil and Filter Change and Screen Cleaning

Oil Filter/Screen Content Inspection

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn