

时间:2014-04-25 17:29来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

Take-off Run The take-off run on dry runways is the longer of (1) and (2), defined as follows:
 The take-off run on wet and contaminated runways is the longer of
 (3) or the take-off run on dry runways as established from (1) or (2).
 (1) The distance from the start of the take-off roll to the mid point between lift-off and the point where the airplane attains a height of 35 feet above the take-off surface, with a failure of the critical engine at VEF.
 (2) 115% of the distance from the start of the take-off roll to the mid point between lift-off and the point where the airplane attains a height of 35 feet above the take-off surface, with all engines operating.
 (3) The horizontal distance along the take-off path from the start of the take-off to the point equidistant between the point at which lift-off is achieved and the point where the airplane is 15 feet above the take-off surface, assuming that an engine fails at VEF.
Accelerate-stop Distance (applicable to dry, wet and contaminated runways) The accelerate-stop distance is the longer of (1) and (2), defined as follows:
(1) The sum of the distances necessary to:
 (a) Accelerate the airplane from a standing start to VEF with all engines operating;
 (b) Accelerate the airplane from VEF to V1 assuming the critical engine fails at VEF; and
 (c) Come to a full stop from the point reached at the end of the acceleration period prescribed in paragraph (1) (b), assuming that the pilot does not apply any means of retarding the airplane until that point is reached; plus
 (d) A distance equivalent to 2 seconds at constant V1.
 (2) The sum of the distances necessary to:
 (a) Accelerate the airplane from a standing start to V1 with all engines operating;
 (b) Come to a full stop at the end of the period prescribed in paragraph (2) (a), assuming that the pilot does not apply any means of retarding the airplane until that point is reached; plus
 (c) A distance equivalent to 2 seconds at constant V1.
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn