

时间:2013-02-27 11:54来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

4.4 U.S. Airports Ranked by Number of General Aviation Operations at Tower (2012)

4.5 Airport by Country, Europe, 2010-2012 Estimates

05 Forecast Information

5.1 FAA Forecast-U.S. General Aviation and On-Demand FAR Part 135 Aircraft.

5.2 FAA Forecast-U.S. General Aviation and On-Demand FAR Part 135 Aircraft Hours Flown (in Thousands)

5.3 FAA Forecast-U.S. General Aviation and On-Demand Part 135 Aircraft Fuel Consumption (in Millions of Gallons)

5.4 FAA Forecast-U.S. Pilot Population

06 General Aviation Safety Data

6.1 U.S. General Aviation Accidents, Fatal Accidents, and Fatalities (1938-2012)

FIGURE 6.1 Accidents in U.S. General Aviation (1980-2012)

FIGURE 6.2 Accidents Rates in U.S. General Aviation (1980-2011)

6.2 U.S. On-Demand FAR Part 135 Accidents, Fatal Accidents, and Fatalities (1987-2012)

FIGURE 6.3 Accident Rates in U.S. On-Demand FAR Part 135 Operations (1987-2011)

6.3 European Union General Aviation and Aerial Work Accident Data (2006-2011)

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn