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湾流G350公务机介绍 Gulfstream G350

时间:2011-10-03 12:09来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空 点击:

G350宽敞的机舱足以在三个独立的座位区容纳16名乘客。 机主能够从六种不同的平面图中进行挑选,让您的飞机更具个性。 G350最引以为豪之处是其无与伦比的 机舱环境。 机舱布局雅致,拥有三个温度带,充足的自然阳光可透过湾流独特的椭圆形全视野舷窗洒落进来,并不断为机舱提供100%的新鲜空气。

G350的价值仅从湾流为研发超远程型飞机所耗费的多年时间上就可见一斑。 湾流早在十多年前就开发出了第一架超远程型商务喷气机——GV。 此后,我们的工程师与设计师不断改进技术,通过改进航空电子系统、增强飞行员的飞行环境意识、提高乘客舒适度,力求确保每个机型都更加安全舒适。

历经 50多年,湾流已赢得商务旅客的尊敬与信赖。 G350秉承湾流的一贯传统,使性能表现与安全性、舒适度和价格优势同时得以兼顾。

G350 Overview
Many factors influence a business jet's mission requirements. There's the destination, of course. Then consider the average number of passengers, the number and types of missions flown each month, and other factors. Recognizing the diversity of its operators' needs, Gulfstream had the foresight years ago to develop a comprehensive fleet of aircraft that meets every price point and mission requirement from 3,000 nautical miles (5,556 km) to 7,000 nm (12,965 km).

Fitting nicely in the middle is the Gulfstream G350® large-cabin, mid-range business jet, a niche airplane designed for operators who require transcontinental range and the same comfortable cabin appointments as those found on its sister ship, the G450® long-range business jet. The G350 can whisk eight passengers and a crew of three 3,800 nautical miles (7,038 km) at a cruise speed of Mach 0.80. That means it can easily connect Washington, D.C., with any point in the continental U.S. and Alaska. Alternatively, it can link Miami with Rio de Janeiro and Sydney with Singapore.

The G350 takes advantage of the leading role Gulfstream plays in developing advanced aviation technology. It's equipped with the Gulfstream PlaneView® cockpit, the same flight deck developed for the ultra-long-range G500® and G550®. The PlaneView® cockpit has been hailed as the most advanced flight deck available in business aviation.

航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
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