贝尔407产品规格 Bell 407 Product Specification pdf浏览:http://data.aero.cn/plus/view.php?aid=4586

贝尔407直升机 Helicopter Bell 407
Publishers Notice
The data presented in this document is general in nature, and has been compiled from Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc. [BHTI] source materials including but not limited to; The Approved Rotorcraft Flight Manual, Maintenance Manual, Illustrated Parts Catalog, and other engineering design specifications.
This document is intended for the use of BHTI Sales Personnel and for prospective customers as an aid in determining estimated weight and performance of the helicopter when con.gured with equipment for speci. c missions.
Disclosure, reproduction, or use of any material in this document by persons other than BHTI employees, and BHTI independent representatives [International Dealers] is forbidden without written permission from Bell Helicopter Textron.
The listings of Optional Equipment [KITS] are subject to revision and change, and also may be different for speci.c serial number helicopters or special custom con.gurations. Please consult the NOTES found in the right margins of the optional equipment list pages for equipment compatibility. The continuing product improvement process of BHTI may cause some components, equipment, and compatibility to be changed or replaced.
The speci.cations, weights, dimensions, and performance data shown in this document are subject to change without notice.
.2010 Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. Bell 206B3, 206L-4, 407, 427, 430, 412, 609, JetRanger and LongRanger are registered trademarks of Bell Helicopter Textron Inc.
All rights reserved.
Exterior Dimensions
Optional Blade Folding
Kit Dimensions
Minimum Hanger Size*
Rotor Not Folded
25.1 ft x 36.6 ft
(7.7 m x 11.2 m)
Minimum Hanger Size*
Rotor Folded
7.7 ft x 41.6 ft
(2.4 m x 12.7 m)
*Allowance should be made for high skid gear, ground wheels, emply fuel condition and door lip when considering hangar door width and height
Internal Dimensions (approximate)
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Speci. cation Summary (U.S. Units)
Standard Con.guration Weight (Note 1) 2676
Internal Gross Weight [Normal / Optional] (Note 2) 5000 / 5250*
External Load Gross Weight 6000
Useful Load [Gross Wt. Standard Con.guration Wt] {Normal / Optional} (Note 2) 2332 / 2582*
Maximum External Load [Cargo Hook Limit} 2646
Performance Summary (International Standard Day except as noted)
Takeoff gross weight lbs 4000 4500 5000 5250
IGE Hovering Ceiling ISA ft 19,200 15,600 12,200 5400*
(4.5 h Skid Height) ISA+20C ft 15,600 11,700 7900 3150*
ISA+30C ft 13,250 8850 4600 2050*