

时间:2010-11-13 20:32来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin 点击:

承接某航空公司的《飞机载重平衡手册》(Aircraft Weight and Balance Manual)翻译任务。




Aircraft Weight and Balance Manual is established by Airlines in accordance with regulations and requirements applicable to operation management like CCAR-121-R2, Large-Scale Public Air Transport Aircraft Carrier Operating Certification Rules, and Flight Manual of all aircraft types of the company and aircraft operation limitations provided by the aircraft manufactures. This manual is one of the supportive technical workbooks of Flight Operations Manual.
It is the weight foundation that ensures the aircraft weight is acceptable to the aircraft structure and performance limitations during all flight operation phases.
And it is the balance foundation that ensures the center of gravity of the aircraft is within limitations during all flight operation phases.
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn