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时间:2019-04-17 13:23来源:航空维修与工程 作者:中国公务机


总经理Paul Desgrosseilliers接受了该奖项。他说:“我很高兴代表宜捷海特的全体员工接受这个奖项,正是因为他们对服务和安全的奉献精神和不懈努力,我们今天才能荣获这项表彰。”
JetSupport Services, Inc. (JSSI®) 成立于1989年,是领先的飞机发动机和机身小时成本维护程序的独立供应商。JSSI为其客户提供了全面、灵活和价格合理的工具,用于管理几乎所有类型的涡轮驱动飞机(包括喷气式飞机、涡轮螺旋桨飞机和直升机)的运营和维护成本,而这些成本往往是不可预测的。
宜捷海特航空服务有限公司位于天津滨海国际机场内,是一家为公务机提供全方位专业服务的现代化企业。公司在天津、北京以及整个大中华地区提供一系列航空服务,包括飞机维修、技术支持和AOG服务。宜捷海特拥有中国民航总局、美国联邦航空局、开曼群岛、百慕大群岛、阿鲁巴群岛和香港、澳门的批准,是达索猎鹰(Dassault Falcon)、巴西航空工业公司(Embraer)公务机、庞巴迪(Bombardier)以及通用电气(GE)和劳斯莱斯(Rolls-Royce)各类发动机的授权服务中心。宜捷海特还提供多种湾流机型的航线维护和定检维修支持,以及波音公务机的航线维护支持。
ExecuJetHaitewas named “Best MRO 2018” by Jet Support Services, Inc.JSSI. The award waspresented during ABACE to ExecuJetHaite by Jaslyn Chan, President, JSSI Asia Pacific, Vice President, JSSI.
PaulDesgrosseilliers, General Manager accepted the award, “I take great pleasure inaccepting this award on behalf of all the staff at ExecuJetHaite. It is becauseof their dedication to service and safety that we’re honored today.”
Founded in 1989, Jet Support Services, Inc. (JSSI®), is theleading independent provider of hourly cost maintenance programs for aircraftengines and airframes. JSSI provides its clients with comprehensive, flexibleand affordable tools for managing the often-unpredictable costs of operatingand maintaining nearly all types of turbine-powered aircraft—including jets,turbo-props and helicopters.
ExecuJetHaite Aviation Services China Co. Ltd is a full-servicestate-of-the-art business jet dedicated facility located at BinhaiInternational Airport in Tianjin, China. The company provides a range ofaviation services including aircraft maintenance,
technical support and AOGservices in Tianjin, Beijing, and throughout Greater China. ExecuJetHaite holdsCAAC, FAA, Cayman, Bermuda, Aruba and Hong Kong, and Macau approvals and is anauthorized service center for Dassault Falcon Jet,
Embraer Executive Jets,Bombardier, as well as GE and Rolls-Royce on various engine types.ExecuJetHaite also offers line and base maintenance support on multipleGulfstream models and line support for the Boeing business jet.
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